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A 12-meter pine tree was left to nothing more than a stump after it was struck by lightning in Winnipeg on Friday night.

Proof that shows just how powerful Mother Nature can be

Sian Mitchell
Special to The Weather Network

Sunday, June 19, 2016, 4:07 PM - A 12-metre pine tree was reduced to nothing more than a stump after it was struck by lightning in Winnipeg on Friday night.

Josh Behnish told CBC he was in his house during the lighting storm when he noticed his window was open. When he went to close it he felt a strong vibration then heard an explosion.

The tree outside his house got struck sending flying pieces of wood in all directions.  Parts of the tree smashed through the windows and drove into the side house paneling. Behnish had broken glass scattered throughout his room however he did not suffer from any major injuries.

Crews were called in to cut up the remains of the tree and haul it away.

Now all that remains of the tree is a small splintered stump.

It was confirmed by Environment Canada that there were multiple lightning strikes in that area on Friday. Conditions have since cleared up and there is no rain expected in the region until possibly Wednesday.


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