Expired News - Top Five Rainiest Cities in Canada - The Weather Network
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Top Five Rainiest Cities in Canada

Chris St. Clair
Weather Broadcaster

Sunday, April 13, 2014, 4:49 PM -

Spring is finally here, and for many that means out with the cold and in with rain. 

Spring showers have already sparked flooding concerns for parts of Ontario and Quebec, where evacuations have been ordered. And while more rain is on the way, it's still a far cry from what these parts of the country endure each year. 

SEE ALSO: Top Five Costliest Floods in Canada this Century

These are the Top Five Rainiest Cities In Canada: 

5. Saguenay, Quebec 

Saguenay has 199.9 days of wet per annum, with 950.8 mm of it hitting the ground. That's also probably part of the reason there are three hydroelectric power stations in the area. 

4. Terrace, B.C. 

The city of Terrace sits in one of the oldest continuously populated regions of the world (more than 10,000 years), which proves that even despite the occasional flood, British Columbians don't mind the rain. There's 203.7 days of it a year there, for 1322.4 mm. 

3. Corner Brook, Newfoundland 

The Weather Network says it's raining in Corner Brook Sunday, and that's no surprise! It gets 206.2 days of that a year, averaging at 1270.8 mm. 

2. St. John's, Newfoundland 

This is pretty much the last point of land before you hit the Atlantic Ocean -- and it's wet! It gets 215.6 days worth of rain, sleet, snow and whatever else supposedly doesn't deter the mailman, for 1513.7 mm a year. 

1. Drum roll please.... 

There is nowhere else in Canada that gets more days of rain, nor more precipitation than Prince Rupert, B.C., the former home of Thomas Dufferin "Duff" Pattullo, a B.C. premier we name a bridge (over water, of course) for. This land, air, and water transportation hub sees an average of 239.7 days of rain per year, amounting to a whopping 2593.6 mm. Take a bow Prince Rupert, you're Number One. Now go dry off!

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