Expired News - Researchers dress rover up as adorable penguin in the name of science - The Weather Network
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The newest tool for biologists is the adorable baby penguin robotic spy.

Researchers dress rover up as adorable penguin in the name of science

Dalia Ibrahim
Digital Reporter

Sunday, November 2, 2014, 8:16 PM - The newest tool for biologists is the adorable baby penguin robotic spy.

According The Associated Press, the undercover rover is so convincing that penguins essentially talk to it, as if it is a potential mate for their chicks. 

Emperor penguins are known to be notoriously shy. When researchers approach, they usually back away and their heart rate goes up.

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That's not what the scientists need when they want to check the heart rate, health and other penguin parameters. 

So international scientists and even filmmakers, led by Yvon Le Maho of the University of Strasbourg in France, created a remote control rover disguised as a chick

It snuggled up to the penguins. They didn't scamper away and even sang to the rover with trumpet-like sounds.

With files from The Associated Press and www.nature.com.

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