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Five podcasts for weather, space, and science enthusiasts

Sydney Borton
Digital Reporter

Sunday, September 30, 2018, 7:17 PM - September 30th is International Podcast Day! 

For those of you who aren’t big on music or the radio, podcasts are the way to go. 

A lot of popular podcasts are comedic in nature, but a sub-genre exists for knowledge-seekers: educational podcasts! I’ve complied some of my favourite educational shows that deal with topics we love at The Weather Network – space, the environment, weather, etc. 

Stuff You Should Know by HowStuffWorks

This show is the best of all worlds. Stuff You Should Know is hosted by Josh Clark and Charles “Chuck” W. Bryant, two staff writers at HowStuffWorks.com. It covers a large variety of topics, from science to social justice to nifty inventions, complete with Josh and Chuck’s witty banter. Some notable episodes include: How Tsunamis Work, Narwhals: Unicorns of the Sea, and How the Flu Works. HowStuffWorks has tons of other shows, including the next podcast…

Daniel and Jorge Explain the Universe by HowStuffWorks

Daniel Whiteson is a particle physicist and Jorge Cham is a former robotics researcher and current cartoonist. Currently this podcast only has a few episodes, but I’m already hooked! This one is for all the conspiracy theorists and skeptics out there. Their first episode, Are we Living in a Simulation?, explores the theory that we are living in a simulated universe from the standpoint of two scientists (and it's pretty mind-blowing).

Orbital Path by PRX

Orbital Path is a space-themed podcast hosted by Michelle Thaller, an astronomer and research scientist, and the current Deputy Director of Science Communication at NASA. Thaller covers everything space related in her podcast, asking and answering the greatest questions of the cosmos. The podcast is funded by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, which aims to enhance public understanding of science, technology, and economic performance. 

The Weather Junkies

The Weather Junkies is hosted by Tyler Janoski, a broadcast meteorologist, and Dakota Smith, an atmospheric scientist. They discuss popular weather phenomenon and events, and describe the show by saying they both have “different careers, different perspectives, but both are ‘weather junkies’ at heart”. For fans of The Weather Network's Storm Hunters series, this podcast is sure to catch your interest!

Science Vs by Gimlet

They call themselves the “friendly fact checkers”. Science Vs is like the Myth Busters of podcasts: they take relevant, trendy topics (such as plastic waste, essential oils, and vegans) and debate whether the source of the argument is coming from a myth or a fact. This is the perfect podcast for people who are always caught up on the latest media trends and want to learn more about them. It is hosted by Wendy Zukerman, who was previously a journalist for the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. 

What are some of your favourite podcasts? Let us know!

All photos are courtesy of Spotify, where all of these podcasts (and more) are available to stream for free!


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