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Angry badger shuts down Stockholm hotel

Sunday, March 8, 2015, 5:43 PM - A Swedish hotel was forced to close its doors when an irate badger was spotted near the entrance.

"A crazy or stressed-out badger is preventing the staff and clients at a major hotel from leaving their cars, and from picking up their bags," the Stockholm police website said.

The animal was roaming around the Radisson Blu in Sweden's capital city. The 'badger-mergency' began at 5:00 a.m. local time and lasted more than 30 minutes, until local authorities arrived.

The police were first at the scene but were unable to remove the animal and had to call in local wildlife services.

Stockholm has many forest areas that include animals such as badgers, elks and rabbits.

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Are badgers dangerous?

Badgers have a reputation for being feisty animals, according to the Ontario Badgers organization.

"A badger's first reaction when threatened is to escape to a nearby burrow," the website said. "But badgers do not run very fast and if shelter is not close enough, they will often turn and face their attacker, relying on their fearless disposition to convince the attacker it's not worth the trouble."

The animals are also mostly active at night, but they can move and hunt just as well during the day.

Adult badgers are relatively predator-free with the exception of coyotes and farm dogs.

MUST-SEE: From angry badgers to giant dogs, take a look at this guy!

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