Expired News - Your pics: The shining Wolf Moon - The Weather Network
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The first full moon of 2015 enticed plenty of shutterbugs among our viewers. See the best shots here.

Your pics: The shining Wolf Moon

Daniel Martins
Digital Reporter

Monday, January 5, 2015, 9:47 AM - If you were lucky enough to be beneath clear skies Sunday, you might have basked in the cold light of the first full moon of 2015.

It's commonly known as the Wolf Moon, so-called because it coincided with wolves howling in hunger outside villages in the winter, according to the Farmer's Almanac.

Other names for this full moon include the Yule Moon or Snow moon.

As always, the shutterbugs among Weather Network viewers were out in force yesterday, snapping as many pictures of the phenomenon as they could. Here are some of the best shots they've uploaded so far.

Richard Bellman, Smithers, B.C.

Cerndo Yee, Regina, Sask.

Akansh Bedi, Vaughan, Ont.

Rachel Chiasson, Maltais, N.B.

Rachel Chiasson, Maltais, N.B.

Barb Bowering - Arsenault, Tilbury, Ont.

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