Expired News - Time Lapse Tuesday: Breathtaking Yosemite with Colin Delehanty - The Weather Network
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This week we head to Yosemite National Park.

Time Lapse Tuesday: Breathtaking Yosemite with Colin Delehanty

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    Suzanne Leonard
    Weather Broadcaster

    Tuesday, February 4, 2014, 2:35 PM -

    This year marks the 150th anniversary of what’s known as the Yosemite Grant. 

    Back in 1864, U.S. President Lincoln designated Yosemite as the first protected wild land, which led to the creation of the National Park system.

    More recently it became a world heritage site in recognition for its giant sequoia groves, waterfalls and biodiversity.

    This park is also notable for its spectacular granite cliffs like half dome and el capitan, one of the world’s most popular spots for rock climbing, partly because the weather allows access year-round.

    This week's featured time lapse travels to California’s Sierra Nevada, to Yosemite National Park with photographer Colin Delehanty.

    A BEAUTIFUL NIGHT SKY: Next Tuesday, we're being treated to a spectacular night sky. You won't want to miss this!

    Behind the scenes, Digital Editor Cheryl Santa Maria is coordinating new time lapse installments. Stay tuned to see a massive controlled fire in the U.S.!

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