Expired News - The world's busiest intersections - The Weather Network
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The world's busiest intersections

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    Cheryl Santa Maria
    Digital Reporter

    Wednesday, April 23, 2014, 8:01 PM -

    Hate traffic?

    Then you may want to steer clear of these intersections, which could be some of the busiest on the planet.


    We'd call this crazy, but the people don't appear to be having any trouble navigating Meskel Square in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. And that's without traffic lights!

    2. FRANCE

    We may complain about the gridlock here in Canada, but we've never seen anything like this rush hour traffic jam in Paris, France.

    RELATED: Thousands fined as Parisian drivers defy traffic ban

    3. VIETNAM

    Scooters and cars come dangerously close to one another in this intense video captured in Hanoi but, miraculously, no one gets hit.

    4. JAPAN

    Tokyo's Shibuya Crossing has often been called the busiest intersection in the world. Now, imagine what would happen if all those people were walking and texting at the same time!

    RELATED: Are we better drivers at 60 than we are at 30?

    5. INDIA

    India is notorious for its rush hour traffic. Take a look at this "typical" scene. We hope those scooter drivers are wearing helmets!

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