Expired News - SeaWorld launches lawsuit in fight against orca breeding ban - The Weather Network
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SeaWorld is threatening to launch a lawsuit against a California state agency in a fight for the right to breed orca whales in California.

SeaWorld launches lawsuit in fight against orca breeding ban

Daksha Rangan
Digital Reporter

Saturday, October 17, 2015, 1:56 PM - SeaWorld is threatening to launch a lawsuit against a California state agency in a fight for the right to breed orca whales in California.

Although the state approved SeaWorld's $100-million expansion plan, part of the approval included a ban on breeding its 11 captive orcas.

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According to SeaWorld, the decision to ban breeding is up to the branch of government that controls animal welfare, and now the park is taking legal action against the State, CNN reports.

SeaWorld has experienced significant backlash since the release of CNN's "Blackfish" documentary, which illustrates the life of a killer whale who took many lives as a reported result of captivity at the sea park.

Thumbnail image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.

SOURCES: CNN MUST SEE: Watch footage of an incredible orca rescue

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