Expired News - Residents take cover as tornadoes touch down in Colorado Sunday - The Weather Network
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Several tornadoes touched down as a line of severe thunderstorms swept through Colorado, with one of the twisters hitting near a junior golf tournament and injuring a caddy and others causing property damage, officials said.

Residents take cover as tornadoes touch down in Colorado Sunday

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    Monday, June 9, 2014, 8:31 AM - What started out as a quiet Sunday in Colorado quickly changed as damaging storms pushed through.

    Several tornadoes were reported through the afternoon hours including one that hit near a junior golf tournament in Aurora.

    Minor injuries and property damage were reported.

    "It's scary, because all the kids were out there playing golf, and I was in the league last year, so it could have been me," one golfer said.

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    One person was taken to the hospital after a golf car flipped over in the strong winds. 

    He broke his wrist, but officials say it's a minor injury considering a construction trailer just a few kilometres away was completely turned upside down.

    According to the U.S. National Weather Service, six of the tornadoes struck in northeast Colorado, while two others hit in Park County.

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