Expired News - Rare cloud formation spotted over Atlanta - The Weather Network
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Mother Nature put on quite a show Tuesday in the skies over Atlanta, and we have the video!

Rare cloud formation spotted over Atlanta

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    Wednesday, February 26, 2014, 7:54 PM -

    Mother Nature put on quite a show Tuesday in the skies over Atlanta.

    Check out these fast moving cloud formations, nicknamed "river of the sky" because of their flowing motion.

    The scientific name is undulatus asperatus.

    RELATED: Breathtaking 'swirl of clouds' captured over the Pacific

    The clouds form when two fronts meet but scientists can't agree if they are caused by a cold-warm front or a dry-moist front.

    The Royal Meteorological Society is keeping a close eye on the rare formation. They're trying to decide if it deserves a separate cloud classification.

    If they decide that it does, it will become the first cloud to receive a new name in 63 years.

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