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Enjoying spring break travel plans

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    Friday, February 17, 2017, 4:26 PM - Spring break is at our doorstep, which often means family activities and trips. And trips during this time of the year are, for many, an occasion to head south with the intent of trading the thick winter coat for a bikini.

    Unfortunately, we too often hear friends and colleagues complain afterwards of having spent too much of their spring break time in the washroom. The issue is, warm February and March destinations are also top spots for traveler’s diarrhea; a stomach flu which can last up to seven days … and are a sure way to ruin one’s vacation plans.

    Doctors define traveler’s diarrhea as at least three occurrences of soft stool combined to one of the following symptoms: nausea, vomiting, stomach cramps or pain, fever, or blood in the stool.

    According to the Government of Canada, traveler’s diarrhea is one of the most frequent medical issues amongst tourists; it is transmitted either through contact with others or by consuming contaminated food and water. Its main causes are widespread, including bacteria, parasites and viruses.

    Symptoms will usually disappear without the need for treatments. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), fighting dehydration is the best way to prevent traveler’s diarrhea.

    Both the Government of Canada and the WHO agree staying properly hydrated is key to prevent and stay healthy. 

    Here are a few trips:

    • Drink a lot and frequently (bottled water, boiled water, oral rehydration solutions)
    • Avoid ice cubes!
    • Avoid uncooked foods
    • Avoid anything that can’t be cooked, peeled or boiled
    • Have a good hygiene and wash your hands frequently

    Have a safe trip!

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