Expired News - New viral video of ice fishing with fireworks is dangerous, possibly illegal - The Weather Network
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New viral video of ice fishing with fireworks is dangerous, possibly illegal

Cheryl Santa Maria
Digital Reporter

Friday, January 16, 2015, 4:09 PM - A new viral video out of Sweden shows what happens fireworks are released under a frozen lake. It's caused quite a stir online, with some animal rights activists claiming the activity is illegal.

YouTube user Nils Bremer uploaded the video on Wednesday. Since then, it has received close to 1 million views.

In the clip, Nils is standing on a dock above an icy lake.

He cracks a hole in the ice and then pushes a lit rocket into it. It takes off in a straight line before exploding somewhere near the middle of the lake.

The clip has drawn its share of comments, with one user accusing Bremer of endangering the wildlife that lives in the lake. 

Others have pointed out that Bremer could have seriously injured himself and the person filming had the rocket stalled and exploded closer to the dock.

At any rate: Don't try this at home.


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