Expired News - Need snow removed in Russia? Put Kremlin critic's name in it - The Weather Network
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Need snow removed in Russia? Put Kremlin critic's name in it

Cheryl Santa Maria
Digital Reporter

Thursday, February 15, 2018, 4:56 PM - Moscow residents are turning political in an attempt to get snow removed from city streets.

According to the BBC, people have found the most efficient way to get council to clear the snow is to spray paint opposition leader Alexey Navalny's name on it.Photos of mounds of snow painted with the Kremlin critic's name have gone viral on Twitter and Facebook, with some witnesses saying the painted snow was removed "within hours".

Nalvany is an outspoken critic of Russian president Vladimir Putin, who refuses to mention him by name.

Moscow is in the midst of one of its darkest and snowiest winters in recent history, leaving the city inundated with large snow piles.

The idea to start spray painting Nalvany's name into the snow in a bid to get it removed was apparently inspired by journalist Mikhail Kozyrev.

Resident Tatyana Grigoryeva tried it out in a few places, then posted video of street cleaners removing the markings.

In a blog post, Mr. Nalvany says he finds the snow protests "really funny."

VIDEO: Moscow gets half a month's worth of snow in 24 hours:

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