Expired News - Low pressure system targets Quebec - The Weather Network
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The system set to create a messy commute in southern Ontario will move through Quebec on Wednesday, bringing moderate snowfall to some places.

Low pressure system targets Quebec

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    Cheryl Santa Maria
    Digital Reporter

    Monday, February 3, 2014, 3:21 PM -

    The low pressure system that is set to hit southern Ontario Tuesday evening will move into Quebec early Wednesday morning, where it will linger through the day.

    Up to 15 cm of snow are expected in southern portions of the province.

    In the Laurentians, up to 3 cm are expected, and communities around Montreal could see up to 4 cm of snow accumulate.

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    Temperatures are expected to cool a bit, meaning the snow will be light and fluffy.

    Blowing snow could be an issue. Officials are warning motorists to slow down and drive according to the conditions.

    With files from MétéoMédia

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