Expired News - Lions lick water off tent while campers wait silently inside - The Weather Network
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Lions lick water off tent while campers wait silently inside

Daksha Rangan
Digital Reporter

Wednesday, May 25, 2016, 12:39 PM - It's a story to be told around many campfires to come.

Francie Lubbe and her husband were camping in Botswana's Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park when two curious lions approached their tent and began licking water off the exterior.

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In a comment on Facebook, Lubbe writes that her husband shot the video that was taken in the Khiding campsite, an area famous for frequent lion encounters.

Francie and her husband managed to remain calm and composed enough to capture the moment -- along with some photographs -- before the lions wandered off.

SOURCE: Francie Lubbe, Facebook | Derek Clegg, Youtube

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