Expired News - Frigid temps continue to grip Ontario, snow and dangerous travel expected this weekend - The Weather Network
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Wind chill warnings remain in place for parts of Ontario. Temps expected to warm gradually by Friday, but snow and blowing snow could impact travel plans this weekend.

Frigid temps continue to grip Ontario, snow and dangerous travel expected this weekend

Digital writers

Wednesday, January 22, 2014, 6:51 PM -

An Arctic air mass has settled over parts of Ontario bringing frigid temperatures and dangerous wind chills to the region. 

The City of Toronto issued an extreme cold weather alert on Monday, offering special services to those most susceptible to the cold. 

That's the tenth time Toronto has issued this sort of alert so far this season, which is one more time than all of last winter combined. 

A special weather statement covered parts of southern Ontario early Wednesday as temperatures dropped to the -20s.

"Winds are light over most areas however, locally winds may be as strong as 15 km/h resulting in occasional wind chill values in the minus 25 to minus 30 range," said Environment Canada in the statement. "Wind chill values will improve by mid morning as temperatures rise under the late January sunshine."

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Some places could see a few flurries Wednesday night, but heavier snow and blowing snow could complicate the commute over the weekend.

Between 5-10 cm of snow is expected across a widespread area through Saturday. 

That combined with winds gusting between 40-60 km/h could result in blowing snow and dangerous driving conditions. 

LIVE FEED: Make sure to check back on Friday as we will be live streaming the latest from The Weather Network on both web and mobile.

Drivers are being urged to adjust their travel plans accordingly and continue to monitor weather and road conditions.

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