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Fried maple leaves are an Autumn delicacy in Japan

Image: Tabelog.com

Image: Tabelog.com

Dalia Ibrahim
Digital Reporter

Thursday, October 9, 2014, 2:06 PM - While most North Americans view leaves as an Autumn nuisance, in Japan they are a delicacy.

Mostly popular in the Osaka area of Northern Japan, the crispy snack, known as momiji or tempura momiji, has reportedly been around for over a thousand years.

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According to RocketNews24, getting the leaves from the branch to your mouth is a long process, starting with cooks choosing leaves with a well-defined, balanced shape. The leaves are then washed and submerged in water with salt for nearly a year before being fried with sugar and sesame.

Image: Flickr, Creative Commons

Image: Flickr, Creative Commons

The dessert snacks are sold all year long. For a more detailed recipe, check out this link.

Would you try deep-fried Maple leaves? Let us know in the comments below!

Image: Flickr, Creative Commons

Image: Flickr, Creative Commons

Source: Bored Panda

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