Expired News - Deadly floods hit northeastern Bulgaria - The Weather Network
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Massive flash flooding and mudslides have devastated the Bulgarian coastal city of Varna. Government officials said at least 12 people have died and an unknown number remain missing.

Deadly floods hit northeastern Bulgaria

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    Friday, June 20, 2014, 10:45 AM - Massive flash flooding and mudslides have devastated the Bulgarian coastal city of Varna.

    Government officials said at least 12 people have died and an unknown number remain missing.

    ANALYSIS ON 2013 FLOODING IN ALBERTA: Two must-read, expert analysis columns from The Weather Network meteorology department. READ: Why So Much Rain? | ALSO: It Could Happen Again

    Authorities have declared an emergency situation for the region as tens of thousands are without electricity.

    Rescue teams are working to bring distressed people to temporary shelters and the Bulgarian Red Cross was providing drinking water, food and essential supplies to victims.

    Prime Minister Plamen Oresharski, who arrived in Varna early Friday, called the flooding "a huge tragedy,'' according to The Associated Press. The government declared Monday, June 23, a national day of mourning.

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