Expired News - Blueberry boom in Prince Edward Island - The Weather Network
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Blueberry boom in Prince Edward Island

Digital writers

Tuesday, October 8, 2013, 3:59 PM -

Prince Edward Island is in the midst of a blueberry boom, the CBC reports.

The good fortune comes as a surprise, given that other Maritime berry farmers have had a disappointing season.

One grower in Tignish says his co-op has marketed over a million pounds this year -- more than double the harvest in 2011.

The numbers are still being tallied, but some are saying this year's yield is one for the record books.

The right amount of rain coupled with the importation of bees are what gave the berries a boost.

Meanwhile, raspberry crops were less than impressive, and strawberry fields were almost wiped out by a virus.

With files from the CBC

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