Expired News - Snow likely to continue for B.C.'s southern interior - The Weather Network
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Snow likely to continue for B.C.'s southern interior

Digital writers

Wednesday, September 20, 2017, 8:48 PM - Snow is likely to continue as a cold airmass remains locked in place over the southeastern interior of British Columbia.

"Light snow has been observed on the Okanagan Connector, Rogers Pass and Kootenay Pass," says Environment Canada in a special weather statement.

"With the cold air mass remaining in place, the threat of snow will continue tonight and early Thursday morning. The unstable nature of the airmass makes the timing and location of snowfall uncertain, however, significant accumulations are most likely over Kootenay Pass."

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State of Emergency ended

The Government of British Columbia dropped a provincial state of emergency in the province that was in effect since July 7 and enacted due to wildfire danger.

The decision went into effect last Friday at midnight Pacific Time, according to a statement by the province. 

They emphasize that the wildfire season is not over and that residents should still pay close attention to warnings and alerts.

"As of this morning, there are 153 wildfires burning in B.C., with 11 evacuation orders affecting approximately 3,152 individuals, plus 23 evacuation alerts affecting approximately 5,762 people," reads a statement from Friday.

The last provincial declaration of state of emergency, enacted in response to wildfires, before the current situation was in 2003.

Source: Government of British Columbia 

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