Expired News - Storm surge mapping making it easier to predict flooding - The Weather Network
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As global temperatures rise, so will sea levels, as more ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica thaw.

Storm surge mapping making it easier to predict flooding

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Sunday, May 1, 2016, 2:51 PM - As global temperatures rise, so will sea levels, as more ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica thaw.

That means places that are already prone to hurricanes, such as the Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, and parts of Atlantic Canada, will have to deal with more damaging and potent storm surges -- certainly more than emergency measures organizations are used to.

With that in mind, scientists at the Applied Geomatics Research Group in Nova Scotia are wrapping up an international storm surge map, based on LIDAR data collected aerially.

They're also developing a special web-based viewer, for easier access by emergency planners preparing for disaster.

Watch the full report above, from Nathan Coleman.

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