Ontario will wake to a dash of snow Friday, but the next system will be milder

Thursday night's clipper system will leave behind some light snow, but people shouldn't get their hopes up for a white Christmas beyond.

A clipper system that moved in Thursday night will be largely gone from Ontario by Friday morning, leaving behind a fresh coat of snow for much of the southwest of the province, including communities in the GTA. You'd think that would seal the deal on a white Christmas this year, but a Christmas Eve system looks to dash those hopes with milder temperatures and showers. For a closer look, read on.

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A fast-moving clipper system that moved into the province Thursday night will leave many people waking up on Friday morning to some snowfall.

Though some 5-10 cm is possible in some areas, amounts are likelier to be nearer 3-5 cm across parts of the southwest and GTA, though areas north of Lake Erie and in eastern Ontario will miss out.

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You might think this snow, added to the remains of what fell a couple of days ago, would bode well for those dreaming of a white Christmas, that won't be the case, thanks in large part to what's to come on Christmas Eve.

Another system will approach the region Friday night through early Saturday, though with milder temperatures and mostly rain expected across the south. That combination will likely be enough to wipe away any of the snow that has fallen and make for a green Christmas on Saturday.

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Another messy system is possible Sunday night and into Monday, with the chance for a mix of snow, ice and rain. Confidence with this system and its impacts however, is low this far out.

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Arctic air will remain bottled up across western Canada for the final week of December, so temperatures will mostly be on the mild side of seasonal across southern Ontario, with Arctic air finally attempt to press into the region during the first week of January.

Check back for the latest on Ontario’s holiday forecast.