First look: Will more consistent warmth lock in as Canada heads into May?

Will the start of May offer any more signs of consistent warmth across Canada?

Although the spring season may feel like it's majorly delayed, in reality, the winter-like conditions and flip-flopping of temperatures is not all that uncommon, especially in April.

MUST SEE: Reality check: April is never really that 'nice,' Canada

But if you are looking forward to more consistent warm weather to come, unfortunately we will have to look beyond the beginning of May for that to actually arrive. A strong blocking pattern is building once again for the end of April and there are no signs of that pattern breaking down during the first half of May.

As a result, cooler than seasonal temperatures are forecast to dominate across most of Southern Canada during the final week of April and possibly right through the first half of May, as well.

The two areas with the best chance of seeing near seasonal temperatures during the next few weeks will be across Atlantic Canada and possibly in Alberta, where downsloping winds off the Rockies should allow for some warmer days to help offset the colder ones.

EndAprilMay 2022

"While I have no doubt that this forecast is very disappointing for most people, keep in mind that 'seasonal' is rising by roughly two degrees per week across much of Canada, so 'cool' weather during early May will still be warmer than what we saw during the first half of spring," says Dr. Doug Gillham, a meteorologist at The Weather Network. "Also, temperatures won't be chilly every day."

The pattern will continue to be changeable across Canada with some warm days mixed in at times. But, when you do get that warmer day, be sure to savour it while you can because it is unlikely that you will see an extended stretch of warm weather for at least a few more weeks.

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"Consistently inconsistent -- that is the nature of spring across Canada," Gillham adds.

Watch the video above for more details on the spring so far and what's ahead into May.