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Ugly Christmas tree take 2: Montreal's lopsided tradition

Leeanna McLean
Digital Reporter

Sunday, November 26, 2017, 4:13 PM - It seems Montreal, Que., is creating an ugly Christmas tradition.

The city's viral imperfect tree of 2016 has inspired the first edition of the "Village du Vilain Sapin." The event kicked off on Nov. 24 with the illumination of 2017's tree.

The theme for this year's festival is an ode to imperfection.

Village organizers have joined with Jus Loop, a company that "repurposes the outcasts of the food industry by transforming perfectly imperfect fruits and vegetables into mind-blowing cold pressed juices," according to their Facebook page. 

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Village du Vilain Sapin de Montréal

Et le vilain sapin est allumé!!!! Vous avez jusqu'au 25 décembre pour venir l'admirer et vous procurer VOTRE vilain sapin! 🌲

The Canadian Press reports this year's tree is smaller at approximately 20 metres high.

"It's a bit of a nod to last year's tree," organizer Philippe Pelletier told the news agency. "It could become a Montreal tradition -- instead of having a magnificent, perfect tree every year, you have one that's authentic, crooked, a little bizarre with personality that could be super original and a mark of distinction for Montreal."

Here's how the ugly tradition started.

2016's display was supposed to compete with New York's fabled Rockefeller tree, which usually averages at 22 metres tall. Montreal managed to acquire a tree that stood at 28 metres. However, it didn't live up to expectations.

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The awkwardly shaped spectacle was decorated in lights and Canadian tire logo ornaments. It even had its own Twitter account, with some comparing the dud to Charlie Brown's Christmas tree.

"It's an initiative we undertook... and we never thought a huge international controversy would have revolved around the aestheticism of a tree," Pelletier told The Canadian Press.

"It was only a question of appearance and we found the virulent reaction of Montrealers and around the world very surprising."

However, organizers took the criticism and ran with it.

Located on Prince Arthur Street East, the village runs until Dec. 25. Get into the Christmas spirit, with bonfires, games and entertainment.

For more information visit Village du Vilain Sapin's Facebook page. 

SOURCE: The Canadian Press

WATCH BELOW: Montreal's 2016 Christmas tree the 'butt' of jokes

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