Expired News - Photos: Dangerous blaze hits west, fatal floods in the east - The Weather Network
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An ocean apart, two continents are seeing elemental opposites at an extreme. Here are six photos that show the staggering difference between hot and dry conditions plaguing parts of the West, and the dangerous torrential storms impacting the East.

Photos: Dangerous blaze hits west, fatal floods in the east

Daksha Rangan
Digital Reporter

Sunday, August 2, 2015, 4:56 PM - An ocean apart, two continents are seeing elemental opposites at an extreme.

In northern California, a massive wildfire threatens more than 6,000 structures, burning almost 190,000 square kilometres of land.

Twenty-four homes and dozens of buildings have already been destroyed, as 2,000 firefighters combat the blaze. One firefighter died on duty battling one of California's large wildfires, many of which are active in the midst of another year of the state's four-year drought.

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Meanwhile in Myanmar, torrential flooding and downpours have claimed dozens of lives as a monsoon-induced landslide impacts eastern India.

Wind and rain from Cyclone Komen contributed to damage, the BBC reports, with the floods impacting more than 100,000.

Here are six photos that show the staggering difference between hot and dry conditions plaguing parts of the West, and the dangerous torrential storms impacting the East.

1. Homes destroyed

2. Damage to vegetation

3. Displaced residents and communities

SOURCE: California Fire | BBC | NBC | CNN

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