Expired News - Perseid meteor shower: Our favourite photos, as sent in by you - The Weather Network
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Perseid meteor shower: Our favourite photos, as sent in by you

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    Tuesday, August 13, 2013, 1:53 PM -

    The annual Perseid meteor shower peaked over the weekend, and it put on quite the light show.

    The sky was clear in many parts of the country, allowing our viewers to snap some incredible images -- which they were kind enough to upload to our website.

    Here are some of our favourites, in no particular order:

    Randy Martin, Victoria Beach, Manitoba

    David W., Richmond Hill, Ontario

    Derek Lam, Georgina, Ontario

    Jonathan Huyer, Canmore, Alberta

    Travis Costello, Fredericton, New Brunswick

    Matt Melnyk, Edmonton, Alberta

    Vera Little, Kitchener, Ontario

    Lawren Campbell, Riverview, New Brunswick

    Steevens Syvrais, Port-Daniel, Quebec

    Tanishq Chatterjee, Stouffville, Ontario

    You can check out more great images of our night sky in the photo gallery section of our website.

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