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Genius Idea: See how recycling saves stray dogs in Turkey

Dalia Ibrahim
Digital Reporter

Thursday, January 8, 2015, 4:01 PM - In Istanbul, Turkey, where an estimated 150,000 stray dogs and cats wander the streets everyday, a Turkish company called Pugedon has come up with a way to provide food for the animals while simultaneously helping the environment.

They're called "Smart Recycling Boxes" and they dispense dispense food and water in exchange for recycled plastic bottles.

The benefits of the vending machines are two-fold: encourage recycling and help the thousands of stray dogs and cats across the city. 

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The recycling is put on top and food is dispensed out of the bottom within easy reach for the animals. 

The vending machine also includes a water dish so users can pour the remaining water from the plastic bottle before recycling it (see video above). 

The bottles are used to cover the cost of food. 

RELATED VIDEO: Adorable dogs have some trampoline fun.

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