Active Alerts Macks, AR

Flood Warning
Issued at Fri 9:56 AM Sep. 20
Issued by: National Weather Service

...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers inArkansas...Cache River Near Patterson affecting Woodruff and JacksonCounties.For the Cache River...including Patterson...Minor flooding isforecast.* WHAT...Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast.* WHERE...Cache River near Patterson.* WHEN...Until further notice.* IMPACTS...At 10.5 feet, Water deep over Woodruff County Road 775north of HWY 260, and intersection of HWY 37 and HWY 18 east ofGrubbs. Water is encroaching on yards of homes on Pine Street inPatterson. Many acres of cropland, pastures, and timber flooded inJackson and Woodruff counties.* ADDITIONAL DETAILS...- At 9:15 AM CDT Friday the stage was 10.2 feet.- Forecast...The river is expected to rise to a crest of 10.5feet Saturday evening and should begin a slow fall by Mondayevening.- Flood stage is 9.0 feet.

Recommended Action

Turn around, don't drown when encountering flooded roads. Most flooddeaths occur in vehicles.River forecasts are based on current conditions and rainfallforecasted to occur over the next 24 hours. During periods offlooding...Evening forecasts are reissued with updated rainfallforecasts.Observed and forecasted stage data plots are available on ourAdvanced Hydrologic Prediction Service web page the Current Conditions section...Select River and Lakes AHPS.The next statement will be issued Saturday morning at 1000 AM CDT.

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