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Lions-Dinosaur-Games-Food-Juggler- Splash Park

183 views Myrna Johnson Myrna Johnson May 25, 2017 Creston, BC Date shot: May 22, 2017

Lions - Dinosaur - Games - Food - Juggler- Interactive Stations - Splash Park all took place at the Creston Lions Childrens' Picnic - is the last scheduled event of the 4 day long Creston Valley 76th Blossom Festival held each long weekend in May. A great turnout of "501" enjoying our hot +29 sunny afternoon at Centennial Park on Monday 22 May, that is a record! Great music, games, food, fun activites organized by our Creston Leos to name a few - Olive Pit Spitting Contest, Hammer That, Tug of Wars and so much more, partnering with Library, Fire Fighters, Face Painters added to a fun and enjoyable afternoon for all. We had a wonderful enchanting surprise guest - BreeRex. Our dinosaur was out and about - dancing, playing and visiting. BreeRex took a refreshing and cooling stroll in our Splash Park with kids and adults! Thank you to all organizers, participants and families - see you next year!

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