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Seals are more dangerous than they look, but the one in the video above was downright friendly to surfers Matt Stanley and Andrew Flouders.

WATCH: Surf's up for this seal!

Daniel Martins
Digital Reporter

Tuesday, August 5, 2014, 12:16 PM -

Seals are more dangerous than they look, but the one in the video above was downright friendly to surfers Matt Stanley and Andrew Flouders.

The pair were surfing off the coast of Northumbria in northeastern England when the seal swam right up them and spent an hour chasing them and clambering up onto their surfboards.

Stanley told the BBC the animal had a few balance issues. 

"It kept sliding off, but every time you caught a wave, it would surf in on the white water," he said. "I admit we lost interest in the surfing for a bit.

Apparently this isn't the only seal interested in surfboards. The BBC tracked down a seal sanctuary in Cornwall, in the southwest of the UK, whose spokesman said the seals there enjoy lying on the boards.

Read the whole story at the BBC.

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