Expired News - Are you ready? The 2016 Summer Forecast is coming soon - The Weather Network
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Will a developing La Niña affect our summer as much as El Niño affected our winter? Tune in for the Summer Forecast on May 24 at 9pm EST and we'll help you plan your summer. Immediately following the Summer Forecast join a live conversation with The Weather Network personalities and meteorologists to discuss what it means for you as part of the AfterCast.

Are you ready? The 2016 Summer Forecast is coming soon

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    Sunday, May 8, 2016, 12:36 PM - Will a developing La Niña affect our summer as much as El Niño affected our winter? Tune in for the Summer Forecast on May 24 at 9pm EST and we'll help you plan your summer. Immediately following the Summer Forecast join a live conversation with The Weather Network personalities and meteorologists to discuss what it means for your city or town as part of the #AfterCast.

    As part of the 2016 Spring Forecast a sneak peek at summer was provide, take a look at the map below for advanced details.

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