Expired News - Time Lapse Tuesday: Hawaii's Mount Haleakala with Dan Douglas - The Weather Network
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This week, we travel to Hawaii with photographer Dan Douglas.

Time Lapse Tuesday: Hawaii's Mount Haleakala with Dan Douglas

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    Suzanne Leonard
    Weather Broadcaster

    Tuesday, January 7, 2014, 1:10 PM -

    Say "Hawaii" and the first thing that comes to mind for most people is famous beaches.

    But away from the coast you’ll find the "House of the Sun." Surrounded by a national park, Mount Haleakala is the biggest dormant volcano in the world. The peak reaches a height of 3055 metres and the crater is big enough to swallow up the island of Manhattan.

    People come from around the world to hike and – believe it or not – camp here.

    The crater terrain is like the moon, rocky and desolate with harsh and changeable weather. One of the most dramatic ways to experience Mount Haleakala is to watch the sun rise over the crater. If you do, you'll be treated to a kaleidoscope of colour Mark Twain called “the sublimest spectacle” of his life.

    Today’s time lapse travels to Hawaii’s "House of the Sun" with photographer Dan Douglas.

     Make sure you look at our full Time Lapse gallery, and tune in every Tuesday for the newest Time Lapse video.

    THE STARS IN DEATH VALLEY: Next week, we'll explore the stars over Death 

    Behind the scenes, Digital Editor Cheryl Santa Maria is coordinating new time lapse installments that will take us to beautiful Vancouver and Alberta.

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