Expired News - The need for decreased speed - The Weather Network
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Just how fast could you come to a complete stop if you had to?

The need for decreased speed

Wednesday, September 3, 2014, 12:12 PM - Speed has been identified as a key risk factor in road accidents.

It affects both the frequency of incidents as well as the severity of the injuries caused by an accident.

Speed limits across the world vary depend on the setting but are usually determined by a variety of things including traffic and environment related factors (sharp turns, animals crossing, nearby school), quality of roads, etc.

According to the Word Health Organization, an increase in 1 km/h can typically cause three per cent higher risk of a crash involving an injury. Speed also contributes to the severity of the accident. The likelihood of death for a person driving at 80 km/h is 20 times great than that of a person driving 30 km/h.

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Among the recommendations made by the WHO, include strict enforcement of speed limits, installation of cost-effective speed cameras, and varying speed limits in areas affected by severe weather.

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