Expired News - Southern Manitoba: Beware of blowing snow, wicked wind chills Wednesday - The Weather Network
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Wind chill and blowing snow warnings cover parts of southern Manitoba. Powerful winds to create dangerous driving conditions and reduced visibilities.

Southern Manitoba: Beware of blowing snow, wicked wind chills Wednesday

Andrea Bagley
Digital Reporter

Wednesday, February 26, 2014, 11:05 AM -

An arctic cold front sliding across southern Manitoba is bringing strong northerly winds and another blast of frigid temperatures.

That prompted Environment Canada to issue a wind chill warning for the region early Wednesday.

"The front is expected to move quickly southward across the area bringing falling temperatures in its wake," EC said in the statement. "By late afternoon wind chill values over many areas are expected to be around the -40 mark."

At these extreme wind chill values frostbite on exposed skin can occur in less than 10 minutes.

A blowing snow warning was also issued for some places as winds are expected to create blowing snow and heavy drifting snow.

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Wind gusts up to 80 km/h are possible, which could result in visibilities less than one kilometre over open areas, EC warns.

"In the City of Winnipeg the poorest visibilities will likely be on the outskirts of the city especially along the north Perimeter Highway," adds EC.

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