Expired News - Minor earthquake reported east of Halifax, Nova Scotia - The Weather Network
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A magnitude 2.7 earthquake rumbled through the Lawrencetown Beach area, 20 kilometres east of Halifax, on Thursday evening.
Canadian News | Nature & Envirnoment

Minor earthquake reported east of Halifax, Nova Scotia

Daksha Rangan
Digital Reporter

Friday, January 13, 2017, 10:57 AM - A magnitude 2.7 earthquake rumbled through the Lawrencetown Beach area, 20 kilometres east of Halifax, on Thursday evening.

The quake, naturally, amounted to no more than a few raised eyebrows when it struck at 5:10 p.m., with Nick Ackerley of the Canadian Hazards Information Service reiterating to Global News that the quake was "very, very small."

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A handful of residents in the Porters Lake area reported feeling a tremble.

Doug Lowthers - Looks like we may have been hit with a... | Facebook

Natural Resources Canada reports that four local reports found the shaking to be "strong," while the overwhelming majority of reports submitted -- 468, as of Jan. 13 -- found the quake to be either weak, or not felt at all.

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