Expired News - Below seasonal temperatures continue across southern Ontario - The Weather Network
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Bundle up: Below-seasonal temperatures are expected to remain in southern Ontario into next week.

Below seasonal temperatures continue across southern Ontario

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    Cheryl Santa Maria
    Digital Reporter

    Friday, February 7, 2014, 7:50 PM -

    It has been cold, snowy and windy across southern Ontario, and that trend is expected to continue through the weekend.

    "A Clipper-like system will scoot across southern Ontario Saturday night into Sunday, bringing a light dusting of snow," says Weather Network meteorologist Dayna Vettese.

    "A couple of centimetres at most are in the forecast -- nothing like the snow storm we saw on Wednesday. The snow will be light so some blowing and drifting is possible in open areas." 

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    Below-seasonal temperatures will remain into next week, so bundle up.

    Forecasters are calling for daytime highs around the -10 mark until at least until Tuesday.

    Be sure to check back as we bring you the latest on this weather pattern.

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