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Beat this! The first Vine from space

Daniel Martins
Digital Reporter

Saturday, June 7, 2014, 11:51 AM -

If you're one of those people who delights in using social media for selfies or food shots (Hey, sometimes that salmon is just that delicious), this should be pretty humbling.

What you're seeing below is a six-second Vine video. And it's from space.

That popped into the Twitter feed of NASA astronaut Reid Wiseman, who blasted off for the International Space Station on May 29. 

He seems to have decided Vine's six-second limit is just the right length for what is essentially a time-lapse. The video shows one orbit of the station over the Earth, flying, as Wiseman says, along the terminator line. 

The sun does hide a bit when it passes behind those solar panels, but that just seems to enhance the effect, reminding the viewer that this video was shot aboard an orbital science platform.

NASA is definitely on the cutting edge when it comes to social media savvy. Our own Commander Chris Hadfield became a global celebrity due to his constant posting of incredible shots on his Twitter feed, and most astronauts now have bona fide Twitterati credentials.

And NASA's Curiosity Rover has become a phenomenon all on its own, thanks to constant tweeting by its science team, as well as the incredible selfie it beamed back last year.

RELATED: And Curiosity has been REALLY busy. Take a look at some of its more awesome achievements.

As for Wiseman, well, he's got some photography chops of his own. 

See below for a selection of his best shots from space.

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