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5 possible causes for the rise of allergies

Friday, February 24, 2017, 8:38 PM - How many people in the world have allergies? The statistics are staggering. 

According to World Health Organization (WHO), hundreds of millions of people in the world suffer from allergic rhinitis (the medical term for allergies or “hay fever”). Allergic reactions range from airborne allergens like pollen, dust mites, to pet dander. 

What’s behind this epidemic of allergic rhinitis and other allergies? Here are 5 possible factors.

1. Climate change

As warmer springs cause pollen-producing plants to emerge earlier and have longer active periods, allergy season is starting earlier and ending later than it used to. 

Plus, a higher concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere provides a definite advantage for many pollen-producing plants, including ragweed, the number one allergen.

2. The hygiene hypothesis

Some experts believe that our lifestyles are too “clean,” making it difficult for our immune systems to differentiate between harmful and harmless substances.

In fact, studies show that allergy rates among people who live on farms are actually lower than that of the general population.

3. The biodiversity hypothesis

Most of us are spending less time in outdoors. The “biodiversity hypothesis” suggests that less contact with the natural environment affects your body’s ability to defend itself against allergens.

4. Urban living

City living is on the rise. By 2030, as much as 60 per cent of the world’s population is expected to be living in urban centers. Scientists have noted that the incidence of allergies is significantly higher in urban areas.

5. Indoor living

On average, we spend up to 90 per cent of every day indoors -- in well-insulated buildings and homes with ventilated heating and air-conditioning. So while we may be keeping the outdoor allergens out, we’re also keeping the indoor allergens and irritants in.

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