- Aass 3
- Abasand Heights
- Abbey
- Abbeydale
- Abbot Heights
- Abbotsford
- Abee
- Abénakis
- Aberarder
- Abercorn
- Abercrombie
- Aberdeen
- Aberdeen
- Aberdeen
- Aberdeen No. 373
- Aberfeldy
- Aberfoyle
- Aberfoyle Creek Estates
- Abernethy
- Abernethy No. 186
- Abilene
- Abingdon
- Abitibi
- Abitibi 70
- Abitibi Canyon
- Abiwin
- Abney
- Aboushagan Road
- Abrams Village
- Abuntlet Lake 4
- Academy
- Acadia No. 34
- Acadia Valley
- Acadie Siding
- Acadieville
- Acanthus
- Acheson
- Achigan
- Achill
- Achiwapaschikisit
- Achray
- Acme
- Acous 1
- Actinolite
- Acton
- Acton
- Actons Corners
- Acton Vale
- Ada
- Adams Gulch
- Adams Lake
- Adams Landing
- Adamsville
- Adamsville
- Adamsville
- Adderley
- Addington
- Addington Highlands
- Addison
- Adelaide
- Adelaide Metcalfe
- Adelard
- Aden
- Adjala-Tosorontio
- Adlatovusek
- Admaston-Bromley
- Admiral
- Admiral's Beach
- Adolphustown
- Adstock
- Advance
- Advocate Harbour
- Aetna
- Afton
- Afton Road
- Agassiz
- Agate
- Agatha
- Agats Meadow 8
- Agawa
- Agawa Bay
- Agency 1
- Agency Indian Reserve No. 30
- Agerton
- Aggie
- Agincourt North
- Agincourt South-Malvern West
- Aglakumna 4A
- Aglakumna-La 2
- Agonzon
- Aguanish
- Agwedin 3
- Ahahswinis 1
- Ahaminaquus 12
- Ahmacinnit 3
- Ahmic Harbour
- Ahmic Lake
- Ahmitsa 5
- Ahnuhati 6
- Ahous 16
- Ahousat
- Ahpokum 9
- Ahpukto 3
- Ahta 3
- Ahtahkakoop I.R. 104
- Ahuk 1
- Ahuntsic/Cartierville
- Ah-We-Cha-Ol-To 16
- Aikensville
- Aikwucks 15
- Aillik
- Ailsa Craig
- Ain 6
- Ainsworth Hot Springs
- Airdrie
- Airlie
- Air Ronge
- Aishihik
- Aitchelitch 9
- Aiyansh 1
- Ajax
- Akenside
- Aklavik
- Akron
- Akulivik
- Akwesasne
- Akwesasne 59
- Akwesasne Reserve No. 15
- A Kwis Ki Mahka Indian Reserve
- Alalco 8
- Alameda
- Alaska
- Alastair 80
- Alastair 81
- Alastair 82
- Alban
- Albanel
- Albany
- Albany
- Albany Corner
- Albany Cross
- Albas
- Albatross
- Alberni 2
- Alberni-Clayoquot
- Alberry Plains
- Albert
- Albert
- Alberta Beach
- Albert Beach
- Albert Flat 5
- Albert Mines
- Alberton
- Alberton
- Alberton, Hamilton Division
- Alberton South
- Albert Park
- Albertville
- Albertville
- Albion
- Albion
- Albion Cross
- Albreda
- Albright
- Albrights Corner
- Albuna
- Albury
- Alcida
- Alcomdale
- Alcona
- Alcurve
- Alden
- Alder
- Alder Creek 70
- Alderdale
- Alder Flats
- Aldergrove
- Alder Point
- Aldershot
- Alderslea
- Alderson
- Aldersyde
- Alderville First Nation
- Alderwood
- Alderwood
- Aldina
- Aldouane
- Aldred's Beach
- Alencon
- Alert
- Alert
- Alert Bay
- Alert Bay 1
- Alert Bay 1A
- Alexander
- Alexander 134
- Alexander 134a (Fox Creek)
- Alexander 134B
- Alexandra
- Alexandria
- Alexandria
- Alexandria 1
- Alexandria 10
- Alexandria 11
- Alexandria 12
- Alexandria 1A
- Alexandria 3
- Alexandria 3A
- Alexis 133
- Alexis 9
- Alexis Cardinal 234
- Alexis Creek
- Alexis Creek 12
- Alexis Creek 13
- Alexis Creek 14
- Alexis Creek 15
- Alexis Creek 16
- Alexis Creek 17
- Alexis Creek 18
- Alexis Creek 20
- Alexis Creek 21
- Alexis Creek 22
- Alexis Creek 23
- Alexis Creek 24
- Alexis Creek 25
- Alexis Creek 26
- Alexis Creek 27
- Alexis Creek 28
- Alexis Creek 29
- Alexis Creek 30
- Alexis Creek 31
- Alexis Creek 32
- Alexis Creek 33
- Alexis Creek 34
- Alexis Creek 35
- Alexis Creek 6
- Alexis Elk River 233
- Alexis Thomas 1A
- Alexis Whitecourt 232
- Alexo
- Alfred
- Alfred and Plantagenet
- Alfred Station
- Algar
- Algoma Mills
- Algoma, Unorganized, North Part
- Algoma, Unorganized, South East Part
- Algonquin
- Algonquin Highlands
- Algonquins Of Pikwàkanagàn
- Alhambra
- Alice
- Alice Beach
- Alice Siding
- Alida
- Alix
- Alix South Junction
- Alixton 5
- Alkali Lake 1
- Alkali Lake 4A
- Alkhili 2
- Allainville
- Allan
- Allanburg
- Allan Mills
- Allan Park
- Allans Corners
- Allan's Island
- Allanwater
- Allanwater Bridge
- Allard
- Allardville
- Allardville East
- Allegra
- Allenby
- Allenford
- Allen's Corners
- Allen's Mill
- Allensville
- Allenwood
- Allenwood Beach
- Alleyn-et-Cawood
- Alliance
- Alliance
- Allimil
- Allimill
- Allingham
- Allisary
- Allison
- Allison Bay 219
- Allison Lake
- Allisonville
- Alliston
- Alliston
- Alloa
- Allsaw
- Alma
- Alma
- Alma
- Alma
- Alma Village
- Almdals Cove
- Almira
- Almonte
- Alness
- Alnwick
- Alnwick/Haldimand
- Alonsa
- Alpen Siding
- Alphonse Tommy 7
- Alpine
- Alpine Ridge
- Alpine Village
- Alport
- Alsace
- Alsask
- Alsfeldt
- Alsike
- Alsops Beach
- Altario
- Alta Vista
- Althorpe
- Alton
- Altona
- Altona
- Alva
- Alvanley
- Alvena
- Alvin
- Alvinston
- Amadjuak
- Amai 15
- Amaranth
- Amaranth
- Amaranth Station
- Ambassador Beach
- Amberley
- Amber River 211
- Amber Valley
- Ambleside
- Ambuoy
- Ameer
- Amelia
- Ameliasburg
- Amesbury
- Amesdale
- Ameson
- Amethyst Harbour
- Amherst
- Amherst
- Amherstburg
- Amherst Pointe
- Amherstview
- Amiens
- Amiens
- Amigari Downs
- Amigo Beach
- Amik/Talisman
- Amik Wachink Sakahikan
- Amiraults Corner
- Amisk
- Amisk Lake I.R. 184
- Amiskosakahikan Indian Reserve No. 210
- Ammon
- Amos
- Amostown
- Amqui
- Amsterdam
- Amulree
- Amwri
- Anacla 12
- Anaconda
- Anahim 10
- Anahim 11
- Anahim 12
- Anahim 13
- Anahim 14
- Anahim 15
- Anahim 16
- Anahim 17
- Anahim 18
- Anahim 3
- Anahim 4
- Anahim 5
- Anahim 6
- Anahim 7
- Anahim 8
- Anahim 9
- Anahim Lake
- Anahim's Flat 1
- Anahim's Meadow 2
- Anahim's Meadow 2A
- Analta
- Anastasia
- Ancaster
- Anchor Point
- Ancliff
- Ancona
- Ancona Point
- Ancrum
- Andak 9
- Anderson Indian Reserve
- Anderson Lake
- Anderson Lake 5
- Anderson Road
- Andersons Landing
- Andersonville
- Andimaul 1
- Andover
- André-Grasset
- Andrew
- Andrew Bay
- Andrewsville
- Andy Cahoose Meadow 16
- Andy's Corners
- Aneroid
- Anfield
- Ange-Gardien
- Anglemont
- Angliers
- Angling Lake
- Anglo-Rouyn Mine Site
- Anglo Rustico
- Anglo Tignish
- Angus
- Angus
- Angusville
- Anjigami
- Anjou
- Ankerton
- Anlaw 4
- Anmore
- Annable Settlement
- Annaheim
- Annan
- Annandale
- Annapolis
- Annapolis Royal
- Annex
- Annex, Thunder Bay District
- Ann Island 7
- Anola
- Anoma Lea
- Anse-Bleue
- Ansell
- Anselmo
- Ansnorveldt
- Ansonia
- Ansonville
- Anstice
- Anstigo
- Anstruther Lake
- Antelope
- Antelope Park No. 322
- Anten Mills
- Anthony
- Anthracite
- Antigonish
- Antioch
- Antko 21
- Antler
- Antler No. 61
- Antonio
- Anton Lake
- Antrim
- Antrim
- Antross
- Anzac
- Anzac
- Apohaqui
- Appelo
- Appin
- Appin Road
- Appleby Corner
- Applecroft
- Appledore
- Applegrove
- Apple Hill
- Appleton
- Appleton
- Apsagayu 1A
- Apsley
- Apto
- Aquadell
- Aquadeo
- Aquaforte
- Aquiatulavik Point
- Arabella
- Arborfield
- Arborfield No. 456
- Arborg
- Arbor-Vitae
- Arbuckle
- Arbury
- Arcadia
- Ar-Ce-Wy-Ee 4
- Archer
- Archerwill
- Archibald Settlement
- Archibalds Mill
- Archie
- Archydal
- Arcola
- Arctic Bay
- Arctic Lake 10
- Ardbeg
- Arden
- Ardendale
- Ardenode
- Ardenville
- Ardill
- Ardley
- Ardmore
- Ardmore
- Ardmore Beach
- Ardoch
- Ardrossan
- Ardtrea
- Arelee
- Argenta
- Argentia
- Argentia Beach
- Argolis
- Argon
- Argonaut
- Argosy
- Argue
- Argyle
- Argyle
- Argyle
- Argyle
- Argyle No. 1
- Argyle Shore
- Arichat
- Ariss
- Arizona
- Arkell
- Arklan
- Arkona
- Arkwood
- Arkwright
- Arlington
- Arlington
- Arlington Beach
- Arlington No. 79
- Armada
- Armagh
- Armagh Station
- Armena
- Armond
- Armour
- Armour Heights
- Armow
- Arm River No. 252
- Arms
- Armstrong
- Armstrong
- Armstrong
- Armstrong Brook
- Armstrong Mills
- Armstrongs Corners
- Armstrong Station
- Arner
- Arneson
- Arnold's Cove
- Arnolds Cove Station
- Arnot
- Arnprior
- Arnstein
- Arntfield
- Aroland
- Aroland Indian Settlement
- Aroostook
- Arpiers
- Arpin
- Arran
- Arran-Elderslie
- Arranvale
- Arras
- Arrowhead
- Arrow Park
- Arrowwood
- Arthur
- Arthur
- Arthurette
- Arthur's Corners
- Arthurville
- Artlish 12
- Arundel
- Arva
- Arviat
- Arvida
- Arvilla
- Asahal Lake 2
- Asbestos
- Ascalon
- Ascension
- Ascot
- Ascot Corner
- Ash
- Asham Point
- Ashburn
- Ashburton
- Ashby Mill
- Ashcroft
- Ashcroft 4
- Ashdad
- Ashern
- Ashfield
- Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh
- Ashgrove
- Ashland
- Ashmont
- Ashnola 10
- Ashton
- Ashton Station
- Ashuanipi
- Ashworth
- Asimakaniseekan Askiy I.R. 102A
- Asinka
- Asinkaanumevatt
- Askikkapit
- Askilton
- Aspdin
- Aspen
- Aspen
- Aspen Cove
- Aspen Grove
- Asphodel-Norwood
- Asquith
- Assabaska Indian Reserve
- Asselstine
- Assiginack
- Assineau
- Assineau River 150F
- Assineweetasataypawin
- Assiniboia
- Assiniboine 76
- Assiniboine I.R. 76
- Assumption
- Assumption
- Astle
- Aston-Jonction
- Astorville
- Astray
- Athabasca
- Athabasca County
- Athalmer
- Atha Road
- Athens
- Atherley
- Atherton
- Athlone
- Athol
- Athol
- Atholville
- Atik
- Atikameg
- Atikokan
- Atikup
- Atironto
- Atlee
- Atlin
- Atlin-Teslin Indian Cemetery 4
- Atmore
- Atnarko
- Attachie
- Attawapiskat 91A
- Attawapiskat Indian Reserve No. 91
- Attercliffe
- Attercliffe Station
- Atwater
- Atwood
- Aubert-Gallion
- Auburn
- Auburn
- Auburndale
- Auburnton
- Auburnville
- Aubut
- Auclair
- Auden Park
- Audet
- Audley
- Aughrim
- Augier Lake 22
- Augsburg
- Augusta
- Aulds Cove
- Aumond
- Aunor
- Aupaluk
- Aupe 6
- Aupe 6A
- Aurora
- Austin
- Austin
- Austin
- Austin's Flat 3
- Australian
- Authier
- Authier-Nord
- Auvergne No. 76
- Avalon Park
- Avebury
- Avening
- Avenir
- Avery Island 92
- Avery Point
- Avola
- Avon
- Avonbank
- Avondale
- Avondale
- Avondale
- Avondale
- Avondale Road
- Avonlea
- Avonmore
- Avonport
- Avonry
- Avonton
- Aweme
- Axe Lake
- Axe Point
- Ayer's Cliff
- Aylechootlook 5
- Aylen
- Aylen Lake
- Aylen Lake Station
- Aylesbury
- Aylesford
- Aylesworth
- Aylmer
- Aylmer
- Aylsham
- Ayr
- Ayton
- Aywawwis 15
- Azen
- Azilda
- Azure