Recalling the record-breaking September when a snowstorm buried Calgary
On this day in weather history, a snowstorm buried Alberta.
This Day In Weather History is a daily podcast by Chris Mei from The Weather Network, featuring stories about people, communities and events and how weather impacted them.
September 2019 was an interesting month for parts of Alberta and other areas of the Prairies. Though the calendar said September, winter thought it was time to shine. By the final weekend of the month, areas across southern Alberta were already buried in metre-deep snow.

Courtesy of Kyle Brittain
The early storm was courtesy of a slow-moving low-pressure system and descending cold air from the arctic. The storm brought heavy snow and strong winds.
The storm hit areas from southern Alberta and Saskatchewan, including the City of Calgary. On Sept. 29, Calgary received 24.6 cm of snow, beating out the previous September daily snowfall record set in 1985.
Lethbridge, Alberta reported up to 50 cm of snow; southwestern Saskatchewan reported between 20 and 25 cm.
The heavy and wet snow brought down tree branches and power poles, knocking out power for areas of the Prairies.
The storm lasted a few days but stayed long enough for some Alberta school boards to call for a snow day. The University of Lethbridge also cancelled classes.
To learn more about the 2019 snowstorm, listen to today's episode of "This Day In Weather History."
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