A ferocious hailstorm in the Golden Horseshoe left hail drifts in its wake

Thursday evening’s severe storm in southern Ontario left behind piles of hail and even some crop damage in its wake.

A tremendous amount of hail fell northwest of Hamilton, Ontario, on Thursday night when a potent severe thunderstorm rolled through the Golden Horseshoe. The storm dropped so much hail over the town of Millgrove that the stones piled up on the side of the road like mounds of snow.

“An isolated severe storm fired along the lake breeze boundary Thursday afternoon, producing a swath of intense hail across parts of the Golden Horseshoe,” said Michael Carter, a meteorologist for The Weather Network.

July 2 2021 AM ON Radar Thursday

While most of the hail was on the smaller side, the height of storm grew so intense that the stones shredded tree leaves and even led to crop damage.

“TWN Storm Hunter Mark Robinson reported damage to crops, as the ground was covered with pea to dime size hail, along with some larger hailstones,” Carter added.

MUST SEE: The science behind the Prairies' Twilight Zone "hail fog"

The hail piled up so quickly that some areas saw hail fog after the storm moved away and the sun came out. Fog can form after an intense hailstorm on a warm day. The layer of ice on the ground cools the air immediately above the surface, causing the water vapor in the air to condense into a thin layer of fog.

Here's a look at the hailstorm that went through the area on Thursday.