Four amazing things that happen in fall (aside from changing leaves)
There's more to fall than brightly-coloured leaves. Here are some other season-specific things happening now.
It usually starts with a sprinkling of yellow here and there, progressing into a bright canopy of vibrant oranges and reds as the season progresses.
For many, these fall colours are the first thing that comes to mind when asked to describe autumn.
But when you clear the leaves, you'll see a lot of things happen in fall.
Here are four of them.

For all members of the deer family, the rut is on. Their antlers have grown, and the protective 'felt' that covers them has shed, and mating season has begun.
The mating season typically occurs between October and December. During that time, bucks can be aggressive, sometimes chasing away other males with little regard for their surroundings.
That can lead to an increase in deer-vehicle collisions, especially in November, when mating season is at its peak.
The best way to avoid a collision is by following the speed limit, experts say. Speeding reduces your reaction time, and could increase the damages incurred should a crash occur.
Here are some more tips on avoiding a wildlife collision, courtesy of Nathan Coleman:

Mating season isn't just happening in the woods. In Canada's rivers, salmon are fighting their way upstream, overtaking obstacles along the way to return to where they started their life.
It's known as the salmon run, a time when salmon abandon the oceans and head to gravel beds to spawn.
After spawning, all Pacific salmon and about 90 per cent of Atlantic salmon die and in doing so they become a vital food source for the local ecosystem.
Watch closely and you may catch a glimpse of an energetic trout joining the voyage to find a snack, or a bear stopping to snatch a fish or two.
Salmon runs typically being in August and peak in September and October.

Pumpkin spice has officially taken over, but the harvest is on for more than just gourds. Lush, juicy apples are gracing the branches of trees across the country.
Apples are grown on approximately 16,000 acres in Ontario alone. Across Canada, you can find more than 40 different varieties of apples, ranging in size and flavour from sweet to tart.
While some apples start to ripen in August and September, others are ready for picking in November - giving you plenty of opportunities to try out some new recipes.

As winter approaches, so does the first freeze of the season.
Sure, the swimming season is over, but there's nothing quite like the harmonic sound of waves filtered through thin ice.
The date of the first freeze in Canada varies, depending on regional conditions and the long-term forecast, but because fall is such a variable time, it could happen at any point: September, October, or November.
With files from Kevin MacKay.
Graphics created by Cheryl Santa Maria. Image credits: Apples Billion Photos/Canva Pro. Stag - Lakeview_Images/Getty Pro. Tent - Billion Photos/Canva Pro. Salmon: witoldkr1/Getty Images Pro.