Seattle weather forecast: Cloudy conditions

Damp conditions and overcast skies await Seattle this May 16, with an expected increase in rainfall as the day progresses. Residents will need to keep their umbrellas close at hand, especially towards the evening.

Thursday morning

Morning temperatures hover at a cool 54°F with a relatively low chance of showers at 30%. Though there might be only trace amounts of rain, the skies will remain fully cloaked in clouds. Morning breezes will be gentle at just 3 mph, offering a calm start despite the heavy cloud cover. Humidity peaks at 88%, giving the air a thick and moist sensation.

Thursday afternoon

By afternoon, the mercury will rise to a mild 63°F. The cloudiness persists, setting a rather somber tone for the daytime. Winds pick up, reaching upwards of 15 mph and hinting at the approaching weather system set to deliver heavier rain later.

Thursday evening

Come evening, residents should prepare for an 80% chance of substantial rain accompanied by wind gusts as high as 24 mph. The anticipated rainfall is around 0.25 inches. Temperatures will cool slightly, with humidity still high at 72%, enhancing the late-day downpour.

There are no active weather advisories in place.

This article was generated with the use of OpenAI and The Weather Network's forecast data. The article was reviewed by our editorial team for accuracy and clarity.

Header image: Getty.