Seattle weather forecast: Mild temperatures and partial sunlight

Seattle's weather forecast for May 14 brings a pleasant mix of sun and clouds.

Tuesday morning

The day starts with a light chill, with temperatures starting at a cool 52°F. There's a slight 10% chance of precipitation and with humidity levels at a moderate 73%, the morning air feels fresh.

Tuesday afternoon

Temperatures are set to rise by the afternoon, reaching a comfortable high of 68°F. The clouds will be intermittent, sharing the sky with periods of sunshine estimated at approximately 9 hours overall. The wind stays considerate, slightly picking up to 7 mph, while the chance of precipitation remains modest at 20%. Humidity decreases to 52%, making the afternoon delightfully temperate.

Moderate UV index – sun protection recommended

Although the UV index for the day stands at moderate, residents should still consider wearing sunscreen when planning to spend time outdoors, especially during the brighter hours.

Today in Seattle, there are no weather alerts or significant impacts anticipated.

This article was generated with the use of OpenAI and The Weather Network's forecast data. The article was reviewed by our editorial team for accuracy and clarity.

Header image: Getty.