Seattle weather forecast: Mix of sun and clouds
No active weather alerts have been issued, so it's a great day to enjoy the outdoors while staying prepared for a bit of wind.
Currently, Seattle is experiencing a cool 57ºF with a mix of sun and clouds. Winds are blowing from the south at 10mph, with occasional gusts reaching up to 18mph. The sky is 80% covered with clouds.
Throughout the day, Seattleites can expect a continued mix of sun and clouds. Temperatures will rise slightly, ranging from 57ºF to 64ºF. The wind will maintain its southern direction, varying between 10mph and 16mph. As the day progresses, the cloud cover will gradually decrease from 80% to 40%.
This article was generated with the use of OpenAI and The Weather Network's forecast data. The article was reviewed by our editorial team for accuracy and clarity.
Header image: Getty.