PHOTOS: 'Shards of ice' fall in Toronto, police post alerts
The dangerous falling ice is threatening sidewalk safety, and causing loud crashing noises that are concerning residents in tall buildings.
The Toronto Police have been notified of numerous incidents of falling ice landing dangerously close to pedestrians and vehicles on Friday, following the slight warming of temperatures over the past two days.
Sheets of ice falling from tall buildings have even prompted closures of streets to protect public safety, and some have taken to social media to express their frustration with the danger pedestrians face walking on the sidewalks along these buildings.
Some even report that "shards of ice" are falling from buildings, and the Toronto Police have tweeted that they are urging pedestirans to use caution in the downtown area.
In some cases ice is falling in small chunks, and other times large sheets of ice have been captured falling over 40 storeys, shown below.
Residents in the tall buildings where the ice is falling from are also being disrupted. The video above shows a condo resident reacting to the loud crashing noises the ice sheets are making as they plummet to the ground.
Friday's weather is set to bring a cool down which will help slow the rate of falling ice in Toronto. Click here for your southern Ontario forecast for the next few days and a look at the prolonged cold pattern that will persist through March.