Niagara Falls weekend weather forecast: Strong winds and showers

Niagara Falls is set to experience a weekend of variable weather conditions, with scattered showers and robust winds dominating the forecast. Residents and visitors should prepare for a mix of rain, wind, and brief sunny spells.

Friday, April 12

he area will face cloudy skies tonight, accompanied by scattered showers. Expect strong southwest winds at speeds of 39km/h, gusting up to 65km/h. Temperatures will hover around 9°C. Rain chances stand high at 90 per cent, with an expected rainfall of approximately 10mm. The relative humidity will be 76 per cent.

Saturday, April 13

The morning will continue with scattered showers, shifting to partly sunny skies by the afternoon. Winds will turn to the northwest, maintaining speeds of 43km/h and gusting up to 65km/h. The temperature will slightly rise to 12°C, with an 80 per cent chance of light rain, anticipated between 1-3mm. Relative humidity will drop to 57 per cent, and there will be about 4 hours of sunshine.

Sunday, April 14

Conditions will initially clear, but expect increasing cloudiness overnight. Winds will moderate, blowing from the west at 20km/h with gusts reaching 42km/h. The temperature will decrease to 5°C, with a lower rain probability at 30 per cent. Humidity will increase to 87 per cent.

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The weekend will wrap up with a rainy day, as temperatures peak at 15°C. Light south winds at 15km/h will prevail, with a high 90 per cent likelihood of rain, bringing another 5-10mm. Expect limited sunshine, around 2 hours, and a humidity level of 81 per cent.

Here's what else you should know

Two advisories are currently in effect. A rainfall warning is in place due to significant ongoing rain, with an additional 10 to 15 mm expected. Flash flooding is a risk. Additionally, a special weather statement warns of strong northwesterly wind gusts tonight, potentially reaching 70 to 80 km/h, posing risks of damage and power outages.

This article was generated with the use of OpenAI and The Weather Network's forecast data. The article was reviewed by our editorial team for accuracy and clarity.

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