Niagara Falls weather forecast: Lighter rain with bright skies ahead

Niagara Falls is set for a damp Tuesday with light rain sprinkling the area and temperatures maintaining a mild 17°C. The gentle rainfall is anticipated to deliver between 2-4mm of precipitation. A breeze will be flowing from the southwest at a steady 14km/h, and gusts may reach 21km/h.

Humidity levels hover around 76 per cent for the day, lending the air a noticeable dampness that's typical for a light rain scenario. As dusk settles, residents and visitors should anticipate mostly cloudy conditions with the emergence of fog patches.

Tuesday evening

As the evening approaches, the weather will shift to partly cloudy again with nighttime temperatures around 10°C. Notably, winds will remain vigorous, coming in from the southwest at 24km/h and gusts hitting 36km/h. The atmosphere will get back to being more humid at 87 per cent.

During this period, no weather alerts are in place, indicating mostly mild conditions. Niagara Falls looks forward to six hours of sunshine on Wednesday, while an impressive nine hours are expected on Thursday, signaling a promising turn towards sunnier days. Keep an umbrella close by Tuesday, but anticipate brighter and more enjoyable conditions as the week progresses.

This article was generated with the use of OpenAI and The Weather Network's forecast data. The article was reviewed by our editorial team for accuracy and clarity.

Header image: File photo/Rachel Schoutsen.