Niagara Falls weather forecast for April 16: A sunny day with a cooler evening

Niagara Falls will enjoy a sunny day on April 16, with daytime temperatures reaching a comfortable 17°C.

Residents and visitors can look forward to clear skies throughout much of the day, ideal for outdoor activities and enjoying the scenic views.

As the evening approaches, the weather will start to change, transitioning to partly cloudy skies. This shift will bring cooler air, with temperatures expected to drop to 6°C overnight. Additionally, the increase in cloud cover comes with a 30% chance of precipitation, so those planning late evening or nighttime outings should consider carrying an umbrella.

Currently, there are no special weather statements or advisories in place today.

This article was generated with the use of OpenAI and The Weather Network's forecast data. The article was reviewed by our editorial team for accuracy and clarity.

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